marketing strategy

Ep.164: Focusing on What Matters Most with Spencer Powell

The most common marketing mistake host Mark Harari sees is a focus on tactic without regard for strategy.  It is important to avoid adopting new fad marketing tactics, and start with a strategic foundation.  Guest Spencer Powell agrees, and he is here to share how to focus on what matters most to your business so that you can use marketing to increase profit.

Spencer is the CEO of Builder Funnel & the author of the book, The Remodeler Marketing Blueprint. Spencer began his marketing journey by helping his uncles’ remodeling division grow from $2M to $10M in 4 years & now helps remodeling companies create sustainable, repeatable marketing plans.

Victoria, Mark and Spencer talk more about:

  • Developing strategy
  • The importance of tracking/measuring
  • Taking the necessary steps for successful strategies
  • And more…

For the Marketing Pro on Your Holiday Gift List...

Ep.141: The Remodeler Marketing Blueprint with Spencer Powell

For many remodelers, digital marketing is the “voodoo” magic. With so many options, where do you begin? Well, Spencer Powell has the answer.

In this episode, Spencer dives into his new book, The Remodeler Marketing Blueprint. He talks about everything that you need to know about being found online, successfully.

Spencer is the CEO of Builder Funnel and founder of Builder Funnel Academy, author, and radio host. Spencer has been a longtime guest and sponsor of the show, and gives listeners even more knowledge about marketing in the remodeling world in this episode.

Victoria, Mark and Spencer talk more about:

  • How this journey began.
  • How marketing has changed over the years.
  • What the marketing blueprint looks like for remodelers.
  • The biggest mistakes remodelers are making today.
  • And more…

Ep.125: Building Meaningful Customer Personas with Aimee Pagano

The concept behind developing a customer persona is pretty simple – get to know your audience better so that you can build a more meaningful relationship with them, both as a client and a prospect.

The output of that analysis is inevitable company growth and client retention. So how do firms, of all sizes, build meaningful personas to shape the way they go to market?

In this episode, Aimee Pagano talks with Victoria and Mark about the process of building these vital tools and what a remodeling firm can do with them.

Aimee is the Senior Digital Advisor at HighRoad Solutions, a smartech data integration company for associations. She has 20 years of marketing and communications experience and her specialties include persona development, content strategy and generation, lead gen, and website development / optimization.

Victoria, Mark and Aimee talk more about:

  • What a customer persona is and how remodeling firms would use it.
  • What the building blocks are for customer persona development.
  • Working without data.
  • What you do with the customer personas once you’ve developed them.
  • Who should be involved when going through a customer persona exercise.
  • And more…

Ep.110: Making powerful emotional connections using empathy-based marketing with Tanya Bamford

Current events have created an environment of incredible stress for homeowners across the globe. Remodelers have an opportunity to tap into their dissatisfaction with their home environments by using an empathy-based marketing approach to make an emotional connection.

Tanya Bamford joins Victoria and Mark to share how using the right messaging, imagery, and delivery channels can allow remodelers to present themselves as conduits for creating retreats from stress at home – filling their pipelines with homeowners who are hungry for a reprieve.

Tanya Bamford is the Managing Director of R/A Marketing–a full-service agency providing creative, yet straight forward marketing solutions for remodeling companies across the United States.

This episode will cover:

  • What empathy marketing is.
  • Practical ways to incorporate empathy into your marketing messages.
  • How this is this different than leveraging “pain points.”
  • The challenge of making an emotional connection with a strangers and how empathy marketing bridges that gap.
  • How remodeling companies can begin to incorporate empathy into their marketing.

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